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Nanaboshi Electric Mfg. NEW series stock list

Nanaboshi Electric Official Distributor
connectorsNanaboshi Electric Mfg. Page

Waterproof ciecular connectors with earth protection circuits. Compliant with European safety standards.

We are the special sales agent of Nanaboshi Electric Mfg. connectors, the standard of metal connectors, and carry the largest stock in the country.
Stocks include the highly versatile NCS series of metal connectors (plugs) for indoor use, as well as the NJC series of up to 24 pins, the one-touch lock type NR series, the NWPC series of water-resistant outdoor connectors, the NJW series, NRW series, ENJW series, ENRW series, etc. (excluding certain sizes).

Shell size 20

Model number Shell size Nunber of contacts Contact shape, Shell shape
NEW-203-ADF 20 3 Female, Adapter
NEW-203-PF 20 3 Female, Plug
NEW-203-PM 20 3 Male, Plug
NEW-203-RF 20 3 Female, Receptacle
NEW-203-RM 20 3 Male, Receptacle

Shell size 24

Model number Shell size Nunber of contacts Contact shape, Shell shape
NEW-243-PF 24 3 Female, Plug
NEW-243-PM 24 3 Male, Plug
NEW-243-RF 24 3 Female, Receptacle
NEW-243-RM 24 3 Male, Receptacle
NEW-244-PF 24 4 Female, Plug
NEW-244-PM 24 4 Male, Plug
NEW-244-RF 24 4 Female, Receptacle
NEW-244-RM 24 4 Male, Receptacle

Please inquire for the delivery date of the product which is not placed in this list.

All other products by Nanaboshi Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd.

As the sole agent for Nanaboshi Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd., we carry the largest stock of their products from NCS, NJC, NR, NET series mentioned above, as well as water-resistant connector series such as NWPC, NJW, NRW, etc. and are able to respond to requests for quick delivery.

Other than the metal connectors (plugs) indicated above,
we carry all products by Nanaboshi Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd. such as
water-resistant, oil-resistant NT series for machine tool facilities
outdoor metal connectors with intensified water resistance (IP-X7), the WT series
BC and BCG series of box connectors
7TP/7TS (JISD6606-compliant) for trailers
NHVC series created to connect/disconnect three-phase high voltage cables for 3.3KV and 6.6KV at once, as well as
high frequency transmission coaxial connectors such as BNC, N, M, etc., and connectors with optical fibers, etc.

* Custom products manufactured according to customer (user) specification may not be sold to other customers (users).

The inquiry about the product and the business, please contact us via our inquiry page, or please refer by contents at the following.
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TEL: 81-3-3251-0445 FAX: 81-3-3251-8523
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Sales department TEL: 81-3-3255-4320 FAX: 81-3-3255-5034
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